Folk Songs

Aiken Drum

Nursery Rhyme Categories:
Place of Origin:
“Aiken Drum” is a popular Scottish folk song and nursery rhyme, which probably has its origins in a Jacobite song about the Battle of Sheriffmuir (1715).

Doctor Foster

Nursery Rhyme Categories:
Place of Origin:
“Doctor Foster” is an English language nursery rhyme that has appeared in many anthologies since the nineteenth century. The rhyme was first published in its modern form in 1844.

Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Nursery Rhyme Categories:
Place of Origin:
"Old MacDonald Had a Farm" is a children's song and nursery rhyme about a farmer named MacDonald (or McDonald, Macdonald) and the various animals he keeps on his farm. Each verse of the song changes the name of the animal and its respective noise.