Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Nursery Rhyme Categories:
Place of Origin:
"Old MacDonald Had a Farm" is a children's song and nursery rhyme about a farmer named MacDonald (or McDonald, Macdonald) and the various animals he keeps on his farm. Each verse of the song changes the name of the animal and its respective noise.

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Nursery Rhyme Categories:
Place of Origin:
“Row, Row, Row Your Boat” is an English language nursery rhyme and a popular children’s song. It can also be an “action” nursery rhyme, whose singers sit opposite one another and “row” forwards and backwards with joined hands.

Three Little Kittens

Nursery Rhyme Categories:
Place of Origin:
"Three Little Kittens" is an English language nursery rhyme, probably with roots in the British folk tradition. The rhyme tells of three kittens who first lose, then find and soil, their mittens. When all is finally set to rights, the kittens receive their mother's approval and some pie.